I have come to realize, going through the most challenging time of my life with divorce, addiction, and depression, that most of the time, people don’t need much to overcome the darkest time of their lives.
Most of the time, we all just need to hear: Hey, you can get through this. Hey, I understand, and I am here for you.
To ensure we all have that in time of need, I have created a WhatsApp group to support each other.
It is free of charge, but there are two conditions.
- The first condition is writing on that group whenever you feel overwhelmed, isolated, or alone.
- The second condition is that whenever you are in a better place, you respond to someone who is writing on that group in time of need.
The basic principle behind that group is to support each other.
I don’t care if you are male, female, or a kangaroo.
I don’t care if you are black, white, or purple.
This group is about human beings supporting each other on this journey called life.
If you want to be part of this group and accept the conditions mentioned in this post, please go to my Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/life_with_cristian/, write me a private message, and I will add you to the WhatsApp group.
You are not alone!
With love, yours truly, Cristian.