I heard a quote the other day by Euripides that got me thinking, and it goes like this: “There is no worse evil than a bad woman; and nothing has ever been produced better than a good one.”
I would like to rephrase that, bring it into our century, and say: There is nothing better or worse in life than the person you choose to spend your life with.
Ninety percent of your joy or misery will come from that one decision.
To have options, you need to work on yourself so that you become a good option.
To choose wisely, you need wisdom.
To get wisdom, you need to start and maintain a daily relationship with God, who is the spring of all wisdom.
And now, to oversimplify and bring it all together, we say:
God, wisdom, personal development, and wise choices bring you a good life.
There is no better way. Trust me.
With love, yours truly, Cristian.