I was talking to a friend of mine the other day. We were talking about life, decisions, and mistakes. And how we are supposed to learn from our mistakes, get better, and make better decisions.
He told me that he does not view any of his past decisions as mistakes because all of his past choices made him who he is and brought him where he is today.
I said that is a really healthy way to view things, but what makes you think that if you had made better decisions in the past, you would not be better or in a better place today?
He got stuck.
So, I am telling you, please don’t be that guy. You must accept your mistakes, even if some good things came out of them, or else you will never progress.
Humans make mistakes. All of the. All of us. It’s ok.
The Bible says that the truth shall set you free. And it will. But first, you have to accept it.
You made a mistake; some good things and some bad things came out of that decision. Accept it, improve, make better decisions, and get better results.
That’s life!
With love, yours truly, Cristian.