I am inviting you to trust yourself in your relationship with God.
And what I mean by that is to invite you to pay directly just as you are because He made you, and He already knows what you are.
A form of prayer is arguing with God as you would have with a great teacher.
Let’s imagine that you are at a lecture in college, and this teacher you respect, and love is trying to teach you all something, but at one point, the teachings go over your head, and you need help to understand what the professor means. At that moment, you have two options.
Like Winston Churchill said: “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
You can let the professor go on with the class, but you get confused and distracted because you missed a link in the chain, or you can raise your hand, stand up, and ask questions with the risk of looking stupid to the professor and the rest of your class.
If you muster the courage to stand up and say: “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand those seventeen words between these two parts of the thing that you are trying to teach us, and I fail to link the two together. Please explain it to me.”
You will be not only surprised but also amazed by the fact that you were not the only one who did not understand but also that the professor’s face lights up happy that you asked the question because by asking the question, you let him know that you were actually paying attention and listening.
Now, I want you to see God as that good, kind, and loving professor who loves to be asked questions and argued respectfully and lovingly.
Understand that a form of prayer is you saying: “God, I’m sorry; I know you want to teach me something or to show me something, but I am dumb as a rock, and you know this because you made me, and I will need You to make it more plain, simple and direct so I, the dumb one, may understand what you are trying to teach me or understand the direction you are trying to take me. Thank you, God!”
Excellent results come from that form of prayer.
I would advise you to remain humble and respectful. After all, you are talking to God.
Pray. You pray. Exactly how you are!
With love, yours truly, Cristian.