Men are driven by two principal impulses, either by love or by fear.
- Niccolò Machiavelli
Love and fear can not occupy the same vessel at the same time.
Gratitude and worry are another excellent example.
It has been said that the people who accomplish the most in life are the ones who are constantly running from something and continuously running to something.
They have something in the back of their mind that they never want to experience again, and they also have a north star, something they aim at, which pulls them forward.
The fact that love and fear can not occupy the same vessel simultaneously does not mean that you won’t experience both from time to time.
It is normal and healthy to feel fear. There would be no brave men, no heroes without fear. Because fear is the feeling you must overcome to become a hero.
Fear is the feeling that helps you remain grounded, and it also helps you appreciate—truly appreciate—love.
Accept your fears, look them straight in the eye, and see how quickly they dissolve and disappear, making room for love, gratitude, and greatness.
Next time you feel afraid, realize that it is a signal, an opportunity to be courageous, to be a hero, to shine, and to inspire.
The greater the fear, the greater the reward you’ll get after you overcome it.
F.E.A.R. – Fuck Everything And Run.
F.E.A.R. – Face Everything And Rise.
The choice is yours.
With love, yours truly, Cristian.