Have you noticed that the monsters you ignore in your life tend to grow and become larger than they genuinely are and that the monsters you shed light on tend to diminish and disappear?
Doubt is one of those monsters.
Let us shed some light on it.
If you feel doubtful about an outcome, it means that you are living in the future. Doubting your past is impossible because it already happened, and doubting your present is also impossible because you can’t ignore reality.
Predicting the future is impossible because it is impossible to view all the intricate connections between everything that exists.
So, the reality is that we always exist in the present moment, and we can not predict the future.
So why do we feel doubt? Why are we doubtful?
And the answer is very simple.
We are doubtful because we attach our value to future events.
We think that we will be something if we achieve something.
That kind of thinking ignores the present moment and reality and is living in the future. But the future, at one point, will also be the present because nothing else besides the present moment actually exists.
Think about it for a second. The past is gone, and the future is not yet here.
Now. All you really have is now.
You are not your past, and you are not your future.
You are you.
Detach yourself from past mistakes and future achievements, and focus on getting better every day.
Living like that is very healthy because it brings you back to the present moment and gives you more control over your current actions.
Great decisions in the present moment bring you what?
Yup. You guessed it. They bring you a better future.
Please shed some light on that bastard called doubt and see how small and insignificant he actually is.
With love, yours truly, Cristian.