Receiving is automatic.
I thought so, too, but it is not.
God gives you everything you want but will not put it in your bag. At least get a bag and start picking up your blessings.
The universe has more non-negotiable laws, but one of them is the law of sowing and reaping.
You reap what you sow, and you reap it multiplied.
Understand that this is a law and can not be avoided.
When you start to understand this law, you begin the process of receiving. Meaning that you will be more careful with your thoughts and actions because, like I said, you reap what you sow.
The next part of receiving is expectancy. You need to expect to receive multiplied whatever you put out consciously.
After expectancy comes patience. You asked God for something, and you make sure you do your part of the deal. But don’t try to tell God when or how to bless you. Have trust in the process. Be patient.
Prepare your barns. Like the farmer prepares his barns to stack up his harvest, you need to work on yourself and prepare yourself for your blessings. The person you are today may not be a big enough barn for the gifts you asked for. Pray, read, eat good food, and work out. Get your barn ready.
Believe that you deserve and are worthy to receive whatever you ask for.
And now, recieve.
Remember to praise the Lord. Whatever you receive is better if you share it with Him.
Trust me!
With love, yours truly, Cristian.