It’s too late when the game starts.
You have to practice. And by practice, I mean practice being a better human being.
How do you do that?
You do that by taking full responsibility for your trauma and pain, first of all. That is the first step. You start doing that when you stop complaining. Stop complaining and stop spending time and hanging around people who complain. That is the first step to being a better human being. That is the first brick in the foundation of the person you are going to evolve into.
The second step is to run as far away from ignorance as you possibly can. Standard education is going to bring you standard results. Self-education is going to get you whatever you want. That is how you run away from your ignorance. After you start doing that, the ignorance around you is going to eliminate itself because you won’t speak the same language anymore. It will disappear because you begin to see and appreciate time differently when you eliminate your ignorance.
You don’t want to miss out on building a relationship with God. Trust me. You are an intelligent person; put it down on paper. On one side, write atheist; on the other, write believer in God. Write pros and cons. The risk of not believing in God is monumentally larger than the risk of believing in Him. Actually, believing in Him has no risks whatsoever. People who believe in God and have a personal and daily relationship with Him are full of hope and positivity. Positive and hopeful people can not be bullied or manipulated.
What to be free? God! God is the answer.
Want to be powerful? God!
Want to be a great human being? Yes, you guessed it!
Last but not least is movement. One hour of exercise every day. Go outside and walk for one hour. Does it rain? Walk in the rain. It snows? Excellent, walk in the snow. Is gym your thing? Awesome, do that. Running? Perfect! Find something and do it every day.
If you do all these things daily, you will become and stay ready. Ready for life. Ready for opportunities. Ready for love. Ready for wealth.
When the race starts, it’s too late.
Stay ready!
With love, yours truly, Cristian.