You know you are mature, strong, an adult, and an individual when you stop complaining.
Not complaining about anything in life is the first step in personal development. You can read all the books you want, meditate for seven hours straight, go from seminar to seminar, and from event to event. The first time you complain, after all that, everything you staked up is out of the window.
Complaining to other people about your situation, the way your parents and your family treated you, your boss, your colleagues, or whatever you found to be “unfair” in life is pointless. And it is meaningless because people don’t care about you and your problems. They don’t care about yours because they have their own issues to think about.
Think about it for a second. If you and I are friends and every time we meet, you complain about something pretty soon, I’m not going to want to spend time with you.
Why? Because I am not your therapist. Because I am not your priest. Because I have my own stack of things I need to figure out, and I don’t have the space for yours. Because I feel ashamed to see a grownup who does not have the decency to carry their own “cross.” Because I would rather discuss solutions than problems. Because life is short. Because I don’t like to spend time with 40-year-old children. Because I have no sympathy for your victim mentality. And so on.
By complaining, you give your power to a situation or to another person. That is all you are doing. Own your situation and say to yourself: I will figure it out!
Stop complaining!
Use that complaining time to develop a relationship with God. Pray with your own voice and your own words. Practice gratitude every day.
Thank you, God, for daylight. Thank you, God, for air. Thank you, God, for the sky, grass, flowers, the woods, walking, seeing, hearing, reading, and your list can be infinite.
Come on. Pick yourself up. Chin up. Eyes straight ahead.
Stop complaining!
Let’s go!
With love, yours truly, Cristian.